

Cough cough

It’s getting a bit dusty in here. Time to sweep the old cobwebs away.

I can’t believe it’s near on 4 years since I last posted here. Looking back at my posts and even some of the recent comments it feels great to see that some of what I had to say then is still of relevance and use. And it’s inspired me to try to start again.

Also, to be honest, I’ve noticed a large increase in spam comments getting through recently which prompted me to log into WordPress to clear them out.

Back in the day I had 2 blogs: Alan Buxton’s eSourcing Place, where I blogged about eSourcing from the point of view of being the guy who headed up the product at TradingPartners; and Golden Pebbles where I would get more technical. I imagined the audience would be pretty different for both. And at one point they even had their own domain names.

I’ve now combined the two into one and look forward to blogging here a bit more regularly than once in 4 years. See you around.

All the best
