Software Development

Rip it up and start again, without ripping it up and starting again

Time for another update on my side project, Syracuse:

I got some feedback that the structure of the relationships was a bit unintuitive. Fair enough, let’s update it to make more sense.

Previously code was doing the following:

  1. Use RoBERTa-based LLM for entity extraction (the code is pretty old but works well)
  2. Use Benepar dependency parsing to link up relevant entities with each other
  3. Use FlanT5 LLM to dig out some more useful content from the text
  4. Build up an RDF representation of the data
  5. Clean up the RDF

Step 5 had got quite complex.

Also, I had a look at import/export of RDF in graphs – specifically Neo4J, but couldn’t see much excitement about RDF. I even made a PR to update some of the Neo4J / RDF documentation. It’s been stuck for 2+ months.

I wondered if a better approach would be to start again using a different set of technologies. Specifically,

  1. Falcon7B instead of FlanT5
  2. Just building the representation in a graph rather than using RDF

Falcon7B was very exciting to get a chance to try out. But in my use case it wasn’t any more useful than FlanT5.

Going down the graph route was a bit of fun for a while. I’ve used networkx quite a bit in the past so thought I’d try with that first. But, guess what, it turned out more complicated than I needed. Also I do like the simplicity and elegance of RDF, even if it makes me seem a bit, old.

So the final choice was to rip up all my post-processing and turn it into pre-processing, and then generate the RDF. It was heart-breaking to throw away a lot of code, but, as programmers, I think we know when we’ve built something that is just too brittle and needs some heavy refactoring. It worked well in the end, see the git stats below:

  • code: 6 files change: 449 insertions, 729 deletions
  • tests: 81 files changed, 3618 insertions, 1734 deletions

Yes, a lot of tests. It’s a data-heavy application so there are a lot of tests to make sure that data is transformed as expected. Whenever it doesn’t work, I add that data (or enough of it) as a test case and then fix it. Most of this test data was just changed with global find/replace so it’s not a big overhead to maintain. But having all those tests was crucial for doing any meaningful refactoring.

On the code side, it was very satisfying to remove more code than I was adding. It just showed how brittle and convoluted the codebase had become. As I discovered more edge cases I added more logic to deal with them. Eventually this ended up as lots of complexity. The new code is “cleaner”. I put clean in quotes because there is still a lot of copy/paste in there and similar functions doing similar things. This is because I like to follow “Make it work, make it right, make it fast“. Code that works but isn’t super elegant is going to be easier to maintain/fix/re-factor later than code that is super-abstracted.

Some observations on the above:

  1. Tests are your friend (obviously)
  2. Expect to need major refactoring in the future. However well you capture all the requirements now, there will be plenty that have not yet been captured, and plenty of need for change
  3. Shiny new toys aren’t always going to help – approach with caution
  4. Sometimes the simple old-fashioned technologies are just fine
  5. However bad you think an app is, there is probably still 80% in there that is good, so beware completely starting from scratch.

See below for the RDF as it stands now compared to before:

Current version

@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix org: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a org:Organization ;
    ns1:basedInRawLow "USA" ;
    ns1:buyer <> ;
    ns1:description "Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies" ;
    ns1:foundName "Core Scientific" ;
    ns1:industry "Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies" ;
    ns1:name "Core Scientific" .

<> a org:Organization ;
    ns1:basedInRawLow "LLC" ;
    ns1:description "blockchain mining" ;
    ns1:foundName "Stax Digital, LLC",
        "Stax Digital." ;
    ns1:industry "blockchain mining" ;
    ns1:name "Stax Digital" .

<> a ns1:CorporateFinanceActivity ;
    ns1:activityType "acquisition" ;
    ns1:documentDate "2022-11-28T05:06:07.000008"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    ns1:documentExtract "Core Scientific ( has acquired assets of Stax Digital, LLC, a specialist blockchain mining company with extensive product development experience and a strong track record of developing enterprise mining solutions for GPUs.",
        "Core Scientific completes acquisition of Stax Digital." ;
    ns1:foundName "acquired",
        "acquisition" ;
    ns1:name "acquired",
        "acquisition" ;
    ns1:status "completed" ;
    ns1:targetDetails "assets" ;
    ns1:targetEntity <> ;
    ns1:targetName "Stax Digital" ;
    ns1:whereRaw "llc" .

Previous version

@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a <> ;
    ns1:basedInLow "USA" ;
    ns1:description "Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies" ;
    ns1:foundName "Core Scientific" ;
    ns1:industry "Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies" ;
    ns1:name "Core Scientific" ;
    ns1:spender <> .

<> a ns1:TargetDetails ;
    ns1:label "Assets" ;
    ns1:name "Acquired Assets Stax Digital, LLC" ;
    ns1:nextEntity "Stax Digital, LLC" ;
    ns1:previousEntity "acquired" ;
    ns1:targetEntity <> .

<> a ns1:Activity ;
    ns1:activityType "Purchase" ;
    ns1:documentDate "2022-11-28T05:06:07.000008"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    ns1:documentExtract "Core Scientific ( has acquired assets of Stax Digital, LLC, a specialist blockchain mining company with extensive product development experience and a strong track record of developing enterprise mining solutions for GPUs.",
        "Core Scientific completes acquisition of Stax Digital." ;
    ns1:label "Acquired",
        "Acquisition" ;
    ns1:name "Purchase Stax Digital" ;
    ns1:targetDetails <> ;
    ns1:whenRaw "has happened, no date available" .

<> a <> ;
    ns1:basedInLow "LLC" ;
    ns1:description "blockchain mining" ;
    ns1:foundName "Stax Digital, LLC",
        "Stax Digital." ;
    ns1:industry "blockchain mining" ;
    ns1:name "Stax Digital" .

> @prefix org: <> .
< <> a <> ;
<     ns1:basedInLow "USA" ;
> <> a org:Organization ;
>     ns1:basedInRawLow "USA" ;
>     ns1:buyer <> ;
<     ns1:name "Core Scientific" ;
<     ns1:spender <> .
>     ns1:name "Core Scientific" .
< <> a ns1:TargetDetails ;
<     ns1:label "Assets" ;
<     ns1:name "Acquired Assets Stax Digital, LLC" ;
<     ns1:nextEntity "Stax Digital, LLC" ;
<     ns1:previousEntity "acquired" ;
<     ns1:targetEntity <> .
< <> a ns1:Activity ;
<     ns1:activityType "Purchase" ;
<     ns1:documentDate "2022-11-28T05:06:07.000008"^^xsd:dateTime ;
<     ns1:documentExtract "Core Scientific ( has acquired assets of Stax Digital, LLC, a specialist blockchain mining company with extensive product development experience and a strong track record of developing enterprise mining solutions for GPUs.",
<         "Core Scientific completes acquisition of Stax Digital." ;
<     ns1:label "Acquired",
<         "Acquisition" ;
<     ns1:name "Purchase Stax Digital" ;
<     ns1:targetDetails <> ;
<     ns1:whenRaw "has happened, no date available" .
< <> a <> ;
<     ns1:basedInLow "LLC" ;
> <> a org:Organization ;
>     ns1:basedInRawLow "LLC" ;
> <> a ns1:CorporateFinanceActivity ;
>     ns1:activityType "acquisition" ;
>     ns1:documentDate "2022-11-28T05:06:07.000008"^^xsd:dateTime ;
>     ns1:documentExtract "Core Scientific ( has acquired assets of Stax Digital, LLC, a specialist blockchain mining company with extensive product development experience and a strong track record of developing enterprise mining solutions for GPUs.",
>         "Core Scientific completes acquisition of Stax Digital." ;
>     ns1:foundName "acquired",
>         "acquisition" ;
>     ns1:name "acquired",
>         "acquisition" ;
>     ns1:status "completed" ;
>     ns1:targetDetails "assets" ;
>     ns1:targetEntity <> ;
>     ns1:targetName "Stax Digital" ;
>     ns1:whereRaw "llc" .
Machine Learning

Entity extraction powered by Flan

A Thanksgiving update on my side project. See here for an outline of the problem. In short, existing natural language processing techniques are good at generic entity extraction, but not at really getting to the core of the story.

I call it the ‘Bloomberg problem’. Imagine this text: “Bloomberg reported that Foo Inc has bought Bar Corp”. Bloomberg is not relevant in this story. But it is relevant in this one: “Bloomberg has just announced a new version of their Terminal”.

I wrote about my first attempt to address this problem, and then followed it up in July. I’ve been doing some more finessing since then and am pretty happy with the results. There is still some tidying up to do but I’m pretty confident that the building blocks are all there.

The big changes since July are:

  1. Replacing a lot of the post-processing logic with a model trained on more data. This was heartbreaking (throw away work, sad face emoji) but at the same time exhilarating (it works a lot better with less code in, big smile emoji).
  2. Implementing Flan T5 to help with some of the more generic areas.

At a high level this is how it works:

  1. The model
    • Approx 400 tagged docs (in total, across train, val and test sets)
    • Some judicious data synthesis
    • Trained a Named Entity Recognition model based on roberta-base
  2. Post-processing is a combination of
    • Benepar for constituency parsing to identify the relationships between entities for most cases
    • FlanT5 to help with the less obvious relationships.

Next steps are going to be to start representing this as a knowledge graph, which is a more natural way of exploring the data.

See below for a screenshot of the appointment topics extracted recently. These are available online at

And below are the URLS for these appointment topics

The Native Antigen Company Strengthens Senior Team to Support Growing Product Portfolio

In this example, we have a number of companies listed – some of the company that is appointing these two new individuals and some are companies where the individuals used to work. Not all the company records are equally relevant.

Wolters Kluwer appoints Kevin Hay as Vice President of Sales for FRR

The Native Antigen Company Strengthens Senior Team to Support Growing Product Portfolio (Business Wire version)

Kering boosted by report Gucci’s creative director Michele to step down

Broadcat Announces Appointment of Director of Operations

Former MediaTek General Counsel Dr. Hsu Wei-Fu Joins ProLogium Technology to Reinforce Solid-State Battery IP Protection and Patent Portfolio Strategy

HpVac Appoints Joana Vitte, MD, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer

Highview Power Appoints Sandra Redding to its Leadership Team

Highview Power Appoints Sandra Redding to its Leadership Team (Business Wire version)

ASML Supervisory Board changes announced

Recommendation from Equinor’s nomination committee

I’m pretty impressed with this one. There are a lot of organizations mentioned in this document with one person joining and one person leaving. The system has correctly identified the relevant individuals and organization. There is some redundancy: Board Member and Board Of Directors are identified as the same role, but that’s something that can easily be cleaned up in some more post-processing.

SG Analytics appoints Rob Mitchell as the new Advisory Board Member

Similarly, this article includes the organization that Rob has been appointed to and the names of organizations where he has worked before.

SG Analytics appoints Rob Mitchell as the new Advisory Board Member (Business Wire version)

Machine Learning, Software Development

Is it worth training an NLP Transformer from scratch?

In I wrote about an experience training a custom transformer-based model to do a type of entity extraction. I tried training from scratch because the source text happened to have been preprocessed / lemmatized in such a way to include over 20 custom tokens that the RoBERTa model wouldn’t know about. My assumption was that this text would be so different to normal English that you may as well treat it as its own language.

Once I saw the results I decided to test this hypothesis somewhat by comparing the results of the preprocessed/lemmatized text with the custom model vs a raw version of the text on a fine-tuned out of the box roberta-base model.

Turns out that, for me, the fine-tuned RoBERTa model always outperformed the model trained from scratch, though the difference in performance becomes pretty minimal once you’re in the millions of sentences.

Conclusion – when working in this space, don’t make assumptions. Stand on the shoulders of as many giants as possible.

Approx number of
sentences for fine-tuning
F1 Score –
RoBERTa from scratch
F1 Score –
Fine-tuned roberta-base