Software Development

Styling with django-allauth

I implemented django-allauth into Syracuse recently.

I wanted to implement some simple styling. It was surprisingly tricky to piece together the relevant information from different stackoverflow and medium posts. So here is what I ended up with in case it’s useful for others.

The app source code including allauth is in the allauth_v01 tag. The relevant commit that included allauth is here.

Briefly the necessary changes are:

  1. Install allauth per the quickstart docs. I didn’t add the SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS piece as those can be set up via the admin interface as shown in this tutorial.
  2. The DIRS section tells Django where to look locally for templates. If it doesn’t find templates in here then it will look in other magical places which would include the templates that come in the allauth library

Then it’s just a case of find which template you need from the allauth library. In my case I just wanted to add some basic formatting from the other pages in the app to the allauth pages. So I just had to copy to an equivalent location within my local templates directory and add in one line at the top:

{% include 'layouts/main-styling.html' %}

Simple when you know how, right.

Up until this point the styling file was living in the relevant app directory in the project, so I moved it to a shared location in templates where it can be accessed by any part of the project. The rest of the updates in the commit are

  • related to moving this file and changing the rest of Syracuse to use the new file location.
  • implementing a little snippet to give an appropriate message/links if users are logged in or not